Studium Języków Obcych

Spis treści

Wydział Lekarski

Rok I. Semestr I. English for General and Hospital Practice
  1. Medical education and training. Reading, extracting and paraphrasing information from prospectuses
  2. Health care systems. Eliciting and providing information on health systems
  3. Basic communication with patients The Doctor and his Patient. Making an appointment
  4. The Doctor s Surgery Taking a history. Speaking with patients. Eliciting information.
  5. The Modern Hospital. Hospitals and Clinics. Specialities in medicine.
  6. Writing letters, c.v., application form
  7. Communicating with hospital staff: Temperature, Blood Pressure, Injections. Eliciting and providing information how to perform basic procedures. Explaining procedures to patients. Giving instructions.
  8. Explaining hospital routines. The ward. A nurse at work.
  9. Explaining medical procedures: Investigations.
  10. Explaining medical procedures: Kiss of Life/ABC of Resuscitation
Rok I. Semestr II. English for Anatomical and Physiological Descriptions
  1. Features of the Human Body. Word formation in medical English. Articles with medical terms.
  2. The Anatomical Position. Locative adjectives. Prepositions of location and direction, verbs denoting structure, function, numerical expressions.
  3. The Body Cavities. Pronunciation of medical terms
  4. The Skeletal System
  5. The Respiratory System. Diseases of the Respiratory System
  6. The Circulatory System. The Heart. Diseases of the Circulatory System
  7. The Digestive System. Diseases of the Digestive System.
  8. Cause and effect. Verbs denoting cause and effect, linking words, modals
  9. Interpreting graphs.
Rok II. Semestr III. English for Clinical Practice
  1. Taking a history. Pain. Eliciting patient’s history, understanding medical interviews. Using medical vs popular terms. Filling medical records.
  2. Physical examination. Accessory investigations, tests. Explaining the examination procedure and findings to patients. Discussing the diagnosis. Ordering investigations.
  3. Case history. Reading and paraphrasing information from clinical textbooks. Presenting a case history.
  4. Describing symptoms and signs: Influenza, Duodenal Ulcer. Describing symptoms. Pain. Eliciting information from medical articles.
  5. Food and health. Eliciting and exchanging information
  6. Heart Infarct. How to avoid heart attack. Discussing cause and effect. Eliciting information. Advising patients.
  7. Heart Transplantation. Describing surgical procedures
Rok II. Semestr IV.English for Scientific Presentations
  1. Diabetes Mellitus. Writing a referral letter.
  2. Glomerulonephritis. Taking history-revision. Exchanging information
  3. Carcinoma of the Breast/ Gene Therapy Offers New Hope / New Hope for Cancer Patients. Understanding authentic text – exchange of information
  4. Stress and Breast Cancer. Listening – notes from a lecture. Writing a summary
  5. Otitis Media.
  6. Infertility. The miracle of a baby who developed outside the womb. Revision of vocabulary - The reproductive system (video). Reading and understanding.
  7. Euthanasia.Marcy Killing, or Three Ways of Giving Bad News. Discussing controversial issues.
  8. Phobias. Case histories (Phobia patients). Listening for general understanding. Taking part in a discussion. Exchanging information.
  9. Medical Paper – Posters. IMRAD structure, presentation of own posters
1. E. Donesch-Jeżo - English for Medical Students and Doctors, cz. 1 i 2, Wydawnictwo Przegląd Lekarski, Kraków 2002
2. J. Ciecierska, B. Jenike, K. Tudruj – English in Medicine, PZWL, Warszawa 1998
3. J. Ciecierska – English for Medical Students – PZWL Warszawa